I lead half-day and full-day custom workshops with hands-on activities, creativity, facilitation, group discussions, and collaborative exercises, which allow participants to explore, ideate, create, and participate in achieving their desired outcomes.
I also teach:
Brené Brown’s Daring Way™ curricula
- Daring Greatly™ (3 days)
- The Gifts of Imperfection™ (3 days)
- Rising Strong™ (3 days)
Melody Ross’s Soul Road curriculum
Soul Road (aka Soul Restoration), helps individuals to connect to their soul. To remember what brings the most joy, to know of and remember all of the things they are good at and meant to do, to get aligned with their own deepest truth and unleash the courage and motivation to stay aligned and on their own path.....to reunite with their souls.
This workshop is a process-based method of helping people to become deeply reacquainted with their deepest selves through remembering and reuniting with their inner truth. Through discerning what is true about who they are...discerning truth from lies that hold us back as humans and make us feel less than who we are. This course will help each you to remember your dreams, your potential, your gifts and talents, the possibilities and the unique answer for you and only you. This curriculum is intended to help each participant find and then keep the courage needed to to stay true to themselves, their truth and their own path.
Seena Frost’s SoulCollage™ curriculum
SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. Founded by Seena B. Frost, the method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance.
SoulCollage® meets you wherever you are on this journey called life. You don’t have to be an artist to make SoulCollage® cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice.
Nina Frost’s Soul Mapping process
Soul Mapping asks you to actively participate in discovering your truest self. At the heart of this process is the creation of 12 maps, each organized around a key theme—including the present, childhood and family patterns, education, hobbies and pleasures, hidden desires, envies, prohibitions, fears, loss, and the future. Conceived to elicit unexpected epiphanies and connections, these maps are then assembled into one larger "soul map" that helps you understand who you were, who you are, and who you most want to be.
Workshop Testimonials
"In the fall I attended your workshops. Today I was promoted into the Practice Manager for the Midwest. It has been a great last few months and I expect many more good things going forward. The confidence I developed in your workshop helped give me the courage to throw my name into the hat for a promo so soon after being hired. The tools I acquired in your workshops helped me nail the interviews. Practice and advice from the workshops gave me an edge the other candidates didn't have. I just thought you might want to know you made a difference. Thanks."
"In the fall I attended your workshops. Today I was promoted into the Practice Manager for the Midwest. It has been a great last few months and I expect many more good things going forward. The confidence I developed in your workshop helped give me the courage to throw my name into the hat for a promo so soon after being hired. The tools I acquired in your workshops helped me nail the interviews. Practice and advice from the workshops gave me an edge the other candidates didn't have. I just thought you might want to know you made a difference. Thanks."
"In the fall I attended your workshops. Today I was promoted into the Practice Manager for the Midwest. It has been a great last few months and I expect many more good things going forward. The confidence I developed in your workshop helped give me the courage to throw my name into the hat for a promo so soon after being hired. The tools I acquired in your workshops helped me nail the interviews. Practice and advice from the workshops gave me an edge the other candidates didn't have. I just thought you might want to know you made a difference. Thanks."
“Overall the workshop really taught me how to identify my armor and how being a perfectionist has rippled through all aspects of my life including braving trust and how I learn to rise. Sandy did a great job at getting individuals to talk; she allowed for moments of silence to encourage team members to speak up. She walked us through the information with relevant examples and real-life solutions. She seemed very comfortable with her material and responding to questions and comments from the participants.”
“Overall the workshop really taught me how to identify my armor and how being a perfectionist has rippled through all aspects of my life including braving trust and how I learn to rise. Sandy did a great job at getting individuals to talk; she allowed for moments of silence to encourage team members to speak up. She walked us through the information with relevant examples and real-life solutions. She seemed very comfortable with her material and responding to questions and comments from the participants.”
“Overall the workshop really taught me how to identify my armor and how being a perfectionist has rippled through all aspects of my life including braving trust and how I learn to rise. Sandy did a great job at getting individuals to talk; she allowed for moments of silence to encourage team members to speak up. She walked us through the information with relevant examples and real-life solutions. She seemed very comfortable with her material and responding to questions and comments from the participants.”
“Sandy is a great facilitator...I have really enjoyed the content and experience of her workshops and would like to participate again in the future. The conversations and connections went well. Everyone was open and engaged and honest during the sessions and Sandy was excellent!”
“Sandy is a great facilitator...I have really enjoyed the content and experience of her workshops and would like to participate again in the future. The conversations and connections went well. Everyone was open and engaged and honest during the sessions and Sandy was excellent!”
“Sandy is a great facilitator...I have really enjoyed the content and experience of her workshops and would like to participate again in the future. The conversations and connections went well. Everyone was open and engaged and honest during the sessions and Sandy was excellent!”
“Before I came to this workshop six weeks ago, I was a mess. My life felt out of control. I felt like I was living my life for everyone else and worried about what everyone else thinks of me. Now, I have more confidence, I’m living my values, I’m having difficult conversations at work, and I’m showing myself more self-compassion. It’s hard but now I have the tools to deal with things. You and this workshop series came at the most perfect time for me. I’m leaving with new skills to help me be myself and take a stand for myself.”
“Before I came to this workshop six weeks ago, I was a mess. My life felt out of control. I felt like I was living my life for everyone else and worried about what everyone else thinks of me. Now, I have more confidence, I’m living my values, I’m having difficult conversations at work, and I’m showing myself more self-compassion. It’s hard but now I have the tools to deal with things. You and this workshop series came at the most perfect time for me. I’m leaving with new skills to help me be myself and take a stand for myself.”
“Before I came to this workshop six weeks ago, I was a mess. My life felt out of control. I felt like I was living my life for everyone else and worried about what everyone else thinks of me. Now, I have more confidence, I’m living my values, I’m having difficult conversations at work, and I’m showing myself more self-compassion. It’s hard but now I have the tools to deal with things. You and this workshop series came at the most perfect time for me. I’m leaving with new skills to help me be myself and take a stand for myself.”
“Thank you so much, Sandy. I’ve been struggling at work and feeling so undervalued. As you know, I quit my job and my last day was last Friday. I have a lot of feelings about leaving but having this workshop to come to during this hard time was awesome. I looked forward to coming each week. You are masterful at what you do. Looking at ourselves and how we’re living our lives is really, really hard work. You made it fun and I loved the creativity. It’s just what I needed right now.”
“Thank you so much, Sandy. I’ve been struggling at work and feeling so undervalued. As you know, I quit my job and my last day was last Friday. I have a lot of feelings about leaving but having this workshop to come to during this hard time was awesome. I looked forward to coming each week. You are masterful at what you do. Looking at ourselves and how we’re living our lives is really, really hard work. You made it fun and I loved the creativity. It’s just what I needed right now.”
“Thank you so much, Sandy. I’ve been struggling at work and feeling so undervalued. As you know, I quit my job and my last day was last Friday. I have a lot of feelings about leaving but having this workshop to come to during this hard time was awesome. I looked forward to coming each week. You are masterful at what you do. Looking at ourselves and how we’re living our lives is really, really hard work. You made it fun and I loved the creativity. It’s just what I needed right now.”