Team Coaching

“Sandy’s passion and expertise in working with teams was evident in the full-day workshop and subsequent follow-on coaching sessions she lead with my team. The assessment tool that Sandy used gave us a starting point to engage in honest dialogue about where our team is and where we need to go so that we can be even more effective. I recommend Sandy’s team coaching process–whether it’s for a newly formed team or one that has been together for a period of time–the results will undoubtedly make a difference.”   Client, Pharmaceutical company


19379296_sOrdinary approaches to team coaching view a team as a collection of individuals, but Sandy Mitsch LLC understands that a team is more than just its members. Whether newly formed or long established, a team is a dynamic system, with its own personality, reason for being, rules of operation, and blind spots that undermine its effectiveness.

Using a unique approach to team effectiveness coaching called the Team DiagnosticTM model, Sandy Mitsch LLC focuses attention on the team itself, not just the individuals on the team.

The Team DiagnosticTM model assesses seven productivity factors (the work that gets done) and seven positivity factors (how the work gets done). Teams that excel along both dimensions are high performing and resilient. Sandy Mitsch LLC provides a complete, detailed picture of each team’s unique pattern of competencies, with recommendations for creating high performance teams.

According to Team Coaching International (TCI), organizations know that the cost of poor performance is staggering. Less than 10% of teams rate themselves as high performing. According to their data, top-performing teams outperform average teams by 42%.

Sandy Mitsch LLC helps teams …

  • Create connection, collaboration, effective communication and a renewed sense of purpose
  • Discover the strengths and vulnerabilities of the team
  • Raise the bar on overall team performance and accountability
  • Plan for short-term action and long-term sustainability
  • Accelerate transformation and deliver improved results

Our team effectiveness coaching process includes:

  • Interviews with key leaders to gain insight into the team’s challenges and intended outcomes of the team coaching process
  • A customized baseline assessment deployed online to all individuals on the team
  • One-day experiential team coaching and team building session, including a review of the assessment results
  • Team action planning to establish concrete accountabilities and alignment
  • Follow-on leadership coaching for the team leader
  • Monthly two-hour follow up team coaching sessions to sustain momentum for six months
  • Redeployment of the Team DiagnosticTM assessment including a half-day debrief and further action planning

Leadership & Individual Coaching   Dare to Lead™ & The Daring Way™ Workshops

Call 847-274-4981 or contact us today to see how Sandy Mitsch LLC can help you succeed.